With concerns over the rise in heating bills we've got some tips on how you can stay warm without cranking up your thermostat.
Let's help make you snugger at home without breaking the bank as the temperature begins to drop over the coming weeks.
From duvets to luxury sleep accessories we'll get your through the winter with a warm glow.
1. Cosying up at home - day and night
Let's start with your tootsies. We all know that keeping your feet warm is one of the best ways to retain body heat. There are plenty of pure wool and thick wool socks on the market but there is nothing to compete with Alpaca wool socks for ultra warmth.
Did you know that they are so brilliant at insulating they are four times warmer than wool?
Alpaca wool socks can be worn as lounge socks or ladies bed socks, being lightweight they are soft on the skin offering outstanding comfort all day and night. In addition they are breathable with a natural odour resistance and antibacterial properties. Alpaca wool is hypoallergenic so it won’t irritate your feet.
So now that we have your toes feeling toasty all day long what about treating the rest of your body to some extra snugness.
2. Luxury throw blankets
Whether you are relaxing in front of the television or working in your home office it's easy to get cold when you are not moving around. It's time to go for the throw. Wrap it around your knees or snuggle down by going totally under cover on the sofa or with an extra layer in bed. If you are looking for the ultimate luxurious feel with sumptuous warmth then go for a faux fur throw with soft faux suede backing.

These throws add a fabulous finishing touch to your sofa, your favourite chair or the foot of your bed. Available in three sumptuous colours and are machine washable.
3. From lounge to bedroom
There is no need to overheat your bedroom as hot air rises from your downstairs. It's also a known fact that it is healthier to sleep in a cooler room. So no need to crank up the heating in the bedroom as long as you choose the right duvet tog weight for your body temperature. It's time to add those extra togs to your duvet weight and also get all the cover you need. If you are still sleeping with a standard sized single duvet then you need to buy a super single duvet.
What do we mean?
The size of a single duvet varies but standard single duvets are just too small for teenagers or adults sleeping in single beds. The IKEA extra long single duvet is still only 200cms long whereas the Big Little Duvet is 220cms long.
Our large single duvets keep out all the drafts from your backs and your feet because it is both an extra wide (165cms) and an extra long single duvet.
See the difference .....

Now you have the coverage sorted out it's time to choose your tog weight.
10.5 tog duvet is the most purchased all year round weight but you may need some extra warmth for those chilly winter nights. There are two options:
I you already have a Big Little Duvet then why not top up your existing duvet with our 2.5 tog topper. No need for fasteners as it fits perfectly alongside your 4.5 tog, 10.5 tog or even your 13.5 tog duvet, just slip it inside your extra large duvet cover without any bunching up.
If you are making your first purchase then you have a choice of four tog weights. We recommend 10.5 or 13.5 tog duvets for a autumn/ winter.
4. Invest in a small hot water bottle
Why not buy yourself or a loved one a cosy companion that can be transported around the house all day and to settle down with at bedtime.
Our cute mini hot water bottles are bagged in a beautifully soft padded cover, choose from seven different designs. Keep filling it up during the day until the last time when you slip it into your bed twenty minutes or so before retiring.
Our small hot water bottle provides hours of snugness and relief from aches and pains. The perfect size to cuddle, place on your neck and shoulders or feet. Makes an ideal gift for all the family including children. Compact and easy to travel with on holiday or when visiting relatives over the festive period. Only £12.99.

5. Create a relaxing warm glow around your home & cut down on electricity.
When our bodies are tense we feel the cold more. If you create a relaxed atmosphere by using candles that produce an aroma with a calming effect in your key rooms. The Serenity candle does exactly this, infused with the scent of jasmin, known for its botanical constituents for helping to you relax and even help to tackle insomnia. With notes of freesia, peach and pineapple.
So burn your Serenity candle in the living room during the day and move it into your bedroom for twenty minutes before going to sleep.

The wax is a natural blend of rapeseed, soy and beeswax – no bees are harmed during the harvesting of this wax so even more reasons to be relaxed.
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